



4.貨件到了香港倉後 30天,沒有回復,棄件處理。



1.  由於菜鳥自取點需要到香港倉後才中轉到菜鳥倉,再由菜鳥倉分撥到各區自取點,不保證今發明至到,到由虎門倉發件,到達香港計2-3-2天才到收件人指定的自取點,                 請謹慎選擇!請留意,貨件到達各區自取點後,會發SMS 通知客戶取件碼才可取貨,若沒有收到訊息,請聯絡本公司查詢。

2.  自提包裹不設子母件,包裹長寬高之和0cm<x≤200cm,且單邊長≤ 100cm; 重量上限為20KG。 菜烏不時優化流程及條件,業以書面通知商家。 商家在收到    通知後下發的新的物流訂單,均適用更新後的流程及條件。

3.  菜鳥提供本地自提服務。由上架當天開始計算,相關包裹在自提網點享 有三(3)個工作天免費存儲期。第四(4)個工作天開始向買家/收件人按天


4. 選取的自取點以下訂單為准,貨件發出後,不支持更改自取點地址。買家/收件人/寄件人若未及時聯繫菜烏提取包裹,业向菜烏發出再次配送包裹的指令,無論是    自提點轉自提點,或是自提點改宅配,菜鳥均向買家/收件人/寄件人收取改派手續費。


5在此上述暫存期間内,若包裹没被簽收,則a) 菜鳥可將包裹退回至香港京廣指定地點,並有權向買家/收件人/寄件人按照本協議(2)約定收取費用,

    且将不會作出繼續派  送、改 派、自取等服務;或 b) 寄件人/收件人/買家應在收到菜鳥的通知後及時到菜鳥倉庫或指定地點提取包裹,若商家未在雙方約定的時間

    内及時提取包裹,菜鳥有權向收人收取因存儲包裹産生的相關費用。若買家/收件人/寄件人於7個工作天仍 不取回包裹,包裹將會退回至菜鳥/菜鳥物

   流倉,而且在1個月後未領取包裹,菜鳥有權銷毁該包裹且無需對買家/收件人/寄件人出示任何通知及 提供銷毁證明。買家/收件人/寄件人無權要求獲





Head office Lai Chi Kok self-pickup term 

1. The company's self-collection time is Sunday to Friday 10:00-18:30, Saturday 10:00-15:30 Labor holidays are closed 

2. Under normal circumstances, Lai Chi Kok will be invented today. After the shipment arrives, the customer will be notified through SMS information, the address of the pick-up point, the pick-up time and the waybill number and overdue charges...

3. The Lai Chi Kok self-pickup point is free for storage for 3 days. If the deadline is exceeded, a fee will be charged. The minimum charge is HK$10.00. 

4. 30 days after the shipment arrives at the warehouse in Hong Kong, there is no reply and the shipment will be discarded. 

5. Lai Chi Kok can be shipped on delivery. There is no limit to the weight, the longest length is 300CM 

4PX cooperation self-pickup terms 

1. Since the cooperative self-pickup point requires express delivery, there is no guarantee that the invention will arrive today, usually 3-5 days, please refer to the actual time of arrival at the self-pickup point. No urgent, please choose carefully! Please note that after the shipment arrives at the cooperation point, the cooperation point will send an SMS to notify the customer of the pickup code to pick up the goods. If you do not receive the message, please contact our company for inquiries.

2. When the customer chooses the co-ooperative self-pickup point to pick up the goods, they must accept the charge for the expired storage, and the fee will be charged by the cooperative point. Since the cooperative self-pickup points are distributed in various districts, the time will be delayed, so please choose these cooperative points to pick up the goods carefully. 

3. The following orders for the selected self-pickup point shall prevail. After the shipment is sent, the address of the self-pickup point cannot be changed.


4. Freight cannot be paid. 

5. Cooperative self-pickup points are our company's cooperative stores in Hong Kong, not our colleagues and employees. For questions about our store's consolidation, please contact our company's customer service. 

6. Cooperative self-pickup places are limited, and the store will limit the quantity and weight of goods sent to the cooperative website according to the situation.Consolidation packaging is packaged with one ticket and one package, the length cannot exceed 100CM, and the weight of each package cannot exceed 20 kg.