
(1) 發貨人在kkebuy.com的網站或apps上註冊後便成為kkebuy.com 的會員,即委託kkebuy.com 公司作為貨物中轉的代理人,提供由大陸或其他國家外到香港;或由香港轉到大陸及其他國家的運輸服務。


(3) 發貨人承諾本公司有權放棄或拒絕接收不適宜快運方式運輸的,有意或無意隱瞞物品真實名稱及價值,以及國家法律明令禁止攜帶、郵寄、運輸的物品。一旦違反,發運人或閣下願意承擔由此產生的一切法律和經濟賠償責任。





   情況 (客戶購買兩個或以上的貨物) 賣家只向發貨人(會員)提供一個運單號碼,但實際上賣家將客戶的貨物分開兩個或以上的運單號碼發出,而導致客戶未能認領其他貨物。
*** 客戶有責任聯絡賣家,取得其他正確的運單號碼以作認領。*** 
情況    如賣家提供錯誤運單號碼,而導致正確運單號碼過了1個月免存倉期。而被收取存倉費。
*** 客戶有責任聯絡賣家,取得正確的運單號碼以作認領及就存倉費與賣家作出商議。***

客戶必須在貨物寄到kbuy大陸倉入倉當日起計1個月內,登入kbuy網進行認領及選擇合併快遞服務,否則1個月後開始每日每個運單號碼的貨物將收取 HK$10.00存倉費(如2個月後貨品已丟失一概不賠償)。

如因閣下的貨物內溢出、滲出、或漏出任何液體或固體, 又或者因貨物包裝不當或貨物本身等種種因素, 而引致其他貨物的污染或損毁, 本公司有權追究發運人或閣下一切法律和經濟賠償責任。

如托運之貨物為陶瓷、玻璃製品、特殊工藝品等易碎物品或 容易摺曲 之貨品,客人有義務確保以下: 


良好的內包裝:確保包裝內部周圍配備防震材料加墊, 而每件易碎品須單獨使用厚度充裕的泡沫或汽泡紙等防震材料進行包裝。 

 警告標籤:確保在外包裝四周當眼處用中文注示上「須小心處理的易碎品」、「易碎品」、「小心輕放」等警告標籤。如屬容易受彎曲而損毀之貨品,應在物品外加上木架保護及寫上「請勿摺曲」的警告標籤。 如因以上任何一項包裝不善而導致運送途中發生貨件破損或導致貨件遺失 ,本公司將不作任何賠償。 


  承運方對因不可抗力造成的物品運送延誤、丟失、損失或沒收不負責任。如:戰爭、* 惡劣天氣、機場關閉、航班延誤、墜機、地震、中港車海關查車,扣查車,火災、水災、泥石流及自然或人為的嚴重災害或本公司無法控制的各種情況或由於發運人或閣下的原因造成的沒收均不負任何責任。


A,   由於下列各方的行為、違約或疏忽、發件人、收件人或任何對物品享有權益的其他人(包括違反本條款):或者承運方以外的人;或者海關或其他政府機構,或將承運方提供之快件運至其通常運送不到地區的任何的郵局、轉遞行或其他實體或人,不論發件人是否要求安排第三方運送或對此是否知情。

B,   本公司對承運物品的本質,缺陷或內在的瑕疵,不負任何責任。


A. 易燃,易腐爛或具毒性,爆炸性,殺傷性,腐蝕性及放射之危險品;

B. 活動物、屍體、冷藏肉類

C. 毒品或吸毒相關器具

D. 妨害風化之圖書,照片,雕塑品或器具;

E. 侵犯商標,著者權或智慧財產權之物品;

F. 貨幣,增值稅發票,其他稅票或有價證券

G. ,金銀財寶,古董,贵重金屬;珍貴藝術品

H. 格物或種子

I. 具有通信性質之信函

J. 細菌標本及病例標本

K. 一切粉末,劇毒藥品、精神藥品、液體物品及光碟;

L. 非正品/仿制的貨品.


M.  外貿餘單的貨品;手機等等

N. 受到香港海關進口管制及澳門海關的禁運物品,如食物或中藥材料;

O. 不符合《香港法律》、《中華人民共和國產品質量法》、《中華人民共和國消費者權益保護法》及其他行政法規,部門規章和國家強制性標準規定的貨品;

P. 如果貨品涉及的最終目的地或中轉地在不同於起始地的另一國,則適用華沙公約,同時,國際上公認的其他相關運輸條款均適用於此運單上。


 Contract of carriage

(1) The consignor becomes a member of kkebuy.com after registering on the website or apps of kkebuy.com, that is, entrusting kkebuy com company as the agent of goods transfer, providing services from the mainland or other countries to Hong Kong; or Transport services from Hong Kong to the mainland and other countries.

(2) The shipper promises to accept and abide by the following terms after placing the order in the company's system

, Is unalterable and legally binding, this clause shall be confirmed to take effect from the date of signature by both parties. We will revise the terms from time to time without specifically notifying the shipper. The revised service terms will take effect immediately from the day of public posting and replace the old terms. Both of us need to abide by the guidelines and rules for public posting (and reposting from time to time) for specific services.


(3) The shipper promises that the company has the right to give up or refuse to accept the goods that are not suitable for express transportation, intentionally or unintentionally conceal the true name and value of the goods, and the goods that are expressly prohibited by national laws to be carried, mailed or transported. Once violated, the shipper or you are willing to bear all legal and economic compensation liabilities arising therefrom.

(4) Responsibilities and commitments of the shipper:

The consignor guarantees that the shipped items are not included in the embargoes of the international and domestic transportation departments, and that the shipped items comply with the customs, import and export and other relevant laws and regulations of the place of receipt, origin, transit or overflight,

(5) The right to inspect goods: The carrier has the right to inspect the express goods carried by the relevant policy department, transportation department or out of consideration as necessary (but not obliged to do so).

(6) Each express delivery item list must be clearly filled in (or printed) by the shipper (seller) in block letters and Chinese characters (international express mail in English), and the full names of the shipper and the consignee, department, company, Address, house number, contact Phone, city, country;

(7) The seller issued a waybill number, but there were two or more customers' goods in the package, which caused some customers to fail to claim other goods.

***Customers must contact the seller to make sure that the seller’s waybill number is only for the customer’s goods. ***

Situation 2: (Customer purchases two or more goods) The seller only provides one waybill number to the consignor (member), but in fact the seller separates the customer’s goods into two or more waybill numbers, and the customer fails Claim other goods.

*** It is the customer's responsibility to contact the seller and obtain other correct waybill numbers for claiming. ***

Situation 3: If the seller provided the wrong waybill number, the correct waybill number has passed the one-month free storage period. And was charged a storage fee.

*** The customer is responsible for contacting the seller, obtaining the correct waybill number for claiming and negotiating with the seller about the storage fee. ***

(8)  Customers must log in to the kkebuy website to claim and choose the combined express service within 1 month from the day when the goods are sent to the kkebuy mainland warehouse and enter the warehouse. Otherwise, after 1 month, the goods of each waybill number will be charged HK $10.00 storage fee (no compensation if the goods are lost after 2 months).

(9) If your cargo overflows, seeps, or leaks any liquid or solid, or due to various factors such as improper packaging of the cargo or the cargo itself, which causes pollution or damage to other cargo, the company has the right to pursue the shipper or Your all legal and economic compensation liabilities.

(10) If the consigned goods are fragile items such as ceramics, glass products, special handicrafts, or goods that are easy to bend, the customer is obliged to ensure the following:

(11) Good outer packaging: ensure that the goods to be shipped are properly packed in a packaging container with sufficient durability and strength to protect it from damage during transportation, such as using a tougher box and its outer box and then using a wooden frame Nail it to ensure that the outer box can withstand a certain amount of pressure. To

(12) Good inner packaging: ensure that the packaging is equipped with shock-proof materials and cushions, and each fragile product must be separately packed with shock-proof materials such as foam or bubble paper with sufficient thickness. To

(13) Warning labels: Make sure to place warning labels such as "Fragile goods to be handled with care", "Fragile goods", "Handle with care" and other warning labels in Chinese at conspicuous places around the outer packaging. If the goods are easily damaged by bending, they should be protected by a wooden frame and a warning label "Do not bend" should be written on the outside of the goods. The company will not make any compensation if the shipment is damaged or lost due to improper packaging of any of the above items. To


(1) The carrier is not responsible for the delay, loss, loss or confiscation of goods caused by force majeure. Such as: wars, * severe weather, airport closures, flight delays, crashes, earthquakes, China-Hong Kong vehicle customs inspections, seizures of vehicles, fires, floods, mudslides, natural or man-made serious disasters, or various situations beyond the control of the company or No responsibility is assumed for confiscation caused by the shipper or you.

(2) The present invention of kkebuy has been in the case of vehicle inspections, seizures, and bad weather by the China-Hong Kong Automobile Customs.

(A) Due to the actions, breach or negligence of the following parties, the sender, recipient or any other person who has rights and interests in the item (including violation of this clause): or a person other than the carrier; or customs or other government agencies, or Ship the express mail provided by the carrier to any post office, forwarding bank, or other entity or person in the area where it usually cannot be delivered, regardless of whether the sender requires or knows whether to arrange for third-party delivery or not.

(B) The company is not responsible for the nature, defects or inherent defects of the goods carried.

 The company refuses to carry the following items.

(1) Flammable, perishable or toxic, explosive, lethal, corrosive and radioactive dangerous goods;

(2) Live animals, corpses, frozen meat

(3) Drugs or drug-related equipment;

(4) Books, photos, sculptures or utensils that hinder weathering;

(5) Articles that infringe trademarks, author rights or intellectual property rights;

(6) Currency, value-added tax invoices, other tax invoices or securities,

Checks, gold and silver treasures, antiques, precious metals; precious works of art

(7) grid objects or seeds;

(8) Correspondence letters;

(9) Bacterial specimens and case specimens

(10) All powders, highly toxic drugs, psychotropic drugs, liquid objects and CDs;

(11) Non-genuine/imitation goods. (If the customer sends non-genuine or imitation goods, the company will not make compensation regardless of whether the goods are sent or not);

(12) Goods with foreign trade orders; mobile phones;

(13) Subject to the import control of Hong Kong Customs and the prohibited items of Macau Customs, such as food or Chinese medicine materials;

(14) Goods that do not comply with "Hong Kong Law", "Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China", "Consumer Rights Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and other administrative regulations, departmental rules and national mandatory standards;

(15) If the final destination or transit point involved in the goods is in another country different from the origin, the Warsaw Convention shall apply. At the same time, other internationally recognized transportation terms shall apply to this waybill.