


當閣選擇Alfred,嘉里智能櫃,與及7-11,CIRCLE  K便利店都是由alfred24的平台提供,Alfred之平台及/或有關服務時,閣下代表您與貨件的收件人(「收件人」)及其他持有該貨件的權益的人士,理解並同意本條款及細則所約束,並據此一併構成一項生效的協議,猶如您已簽署一般。

1. 定義

1.1 「alfred24」、「我們」指alfred24 或 alfred24 Delivery HK Limited(如適用)、或其處理該貨件的附屬公司、分支機構、相關聯公司、代理人或獨立承辦商。

1.2 「商戶」、「用戶」指透過使用本平台,要求或以其他方式獲得我們的有關服務的任何及所有人。「商戶」、「用戶」「您」及「您的」應據此解釋。

1.3 「平台」指我們所提供予任何商戶的手機應用程式、我們的網站以及其他相關線上和線下平台,他們可以透過該等平台獲得有關服務。

1.4 「貨件」指單個運單中,alfred24同意收寄的包裹。

1.5 「個人資料」是指任何可以直接或間接與個人有關的資料、可以切實可行地透過該資 料確定有關人仕的身份、及該資料的存在形式,讓人可切實可行地查閱及處理。

1.6 「條款和條件」 指本條款和條件,alfred24可隨時自行更改,而無需另行通知。為避免爭議,任何修改在alfred24官方網站上發佈時立即生效並具有約束力。

1.7 「運單」包括任何由alfred24平台制作的貨件識別碼或文件,例如標籤、條碼或運單及任何其電子版本。

1.8 「智能櫃」指由alfred24或alfred24 Delivery HK Limited(如適用)、或其附屬公司、分支機構、相關聯公司、合作公司、代理人或獨立承辦商所提供的智能櫃自助取件服務。

1.9 「服務」指由alfred24或alfred24 Delivery HK Limited(如適用)、或其附屬公司、分支機構、相關聯公司、合作公司、代理人或獨立承辦商所提供的服務,包括但不限於包裹服務,洗衣服務和乾洗服務。

1.10 「自提點」指由alfred24或alfred24 Delivery HK Limited(如適用)、或其附屬公司、分支機構、相關聯公司、合作公司、代理人或獨立承辦商所提供的取貨點。

1.11 「倉庫簽入」指alfred24的確認收貨狀態。

1.12 「工作天」指星期一至六,星期日及公眾假期除外。

1.13 「收件服務」指alfred24於商戶所提供的收件地址收集貨件,再為貨件提供派送/自取服務。

1.14 「自行送倉」指商戶自行將貨件送到到alfred24倉庫,讓alfred24提供派送/自取服務。

1.15 「商戶自寄」是指商戶自行到alfred24智能櫃存入貨件,讓收件人從同一個智能櫃取出貨件。

1.16 「帳戶」指在第6.1條所賦予的涵義。

1.17 「存款」指在第2.1.11條所賦予的涵義。

1.18 「客戶積分」指在第6.1條所賦予的涵義。

2.1 基本服務

2.1.1 商戶可以於我們提供的平台使用alfred24所提供的貨件派送/自取服務。

2.1.2 alfred24現時提供三種收費模式,分別是上門收件、自行送倉及商戶自寄。

2.1.3 商戶有責任確保貨件包裝合適及穩妥。

2.1.4 商戶需要到alfred24平台將運單列印並貼在貨件外包裝上,運單尺寸最少為10*15厘⽶。

2.1.5 商戶寄件數量以平台顯示的倉庫簽入為準,如有任何問題,商戶應在收件後48小時內向alfred24提出。

2.1.6 如貨件大於自取點或智能櫃尺寸,貨件會退回倉庫。商戶需自行到倉收回。

2.1.7 收件人於收到取件信息後,需在指定時間內取件,如收件人沒有於限時內取走,貨件逾期並送回倉庫。所有逾期貨件在退回京廣於荔枝角倉庫後,將會有7 天免費存倉期。商戶或收件人可以在7天內聯絡京廣速遞處理貨件。如7天內沒有收到有關通知,我們有權自行處理該貨件(包括銷毀該貨件)。

2.1.8 如因商戶人為錯誤以致貨件錯送自取點,有關貨件會最快於兩個⼯作天後才可安排退回。

2.1.9 如收件後需更改取貨地點,運費將會另加收運費。

2.1.10 由於取貨點有機會停運或貨量爆滿而導致延誤,受影響貨件或會轉到附近後備點而不預先通知。

2.1.12 所有商戶投寄之貨件屬商戶所有,所有貨件必需附合《香港法律》及其他⾏政法規,部⾨規章和國家強制性標準規定的貨件。alfred24並不會對商戶之貨件承擔任何法律責任。

2.1.13 所有貨件的運費將以alfred24平台展示的價錢收取。

2.2 alfred24智能櫃和自提點服務

2.2.1 智能櫃體積限制為長*闊*高45*36*17厘⽶,限重5公⽄。

2.2.2 自提點體積限制為長 + 闊 + 高三邊總和105厘⽶,單邊不能大於50厘米。限重5公⽄。

2.2.3 貨件存放期:
            自提點: 3個店鋪工作天

2.3 OK便利店及7-11服務

2.3.1 體積限制為長+闊+高總和120厘⽶,單邊不能大於50厘⽶。限重5公⽄。

2.3.2 如貨件需要重新派送或改地點,均另行收費。

2.2.3 貨件存放期:
            7-11: 3天

2.5 嘉里港鐵智能櫃服務

2.5.1 體積限制為37 x 33 x 47 厘米,限重 3公斤。

2.5.2 如貨件需要重新派送或改地點,均另行收費。

2.5.3 嘉里港鐵智能櫃存放期:2天將豁免。

4.5 已送達alfred24倉庫之貨件,最快可於下兩⾄三個⼯作天送達自取點。遇上快遞⾼峰期,送達⾃取點之時效並不能保証。

5. 商戶自寄服務

5.1 將貨件存入智能櫃前,您必須先於alfred24平台創建訂單。

5.2 作為商戶,您有責任清楚知道每件貨件的費用及資料。

5.3 您必須使用alfred24 平台提供的追蹤號碼存件。

5.4 每一個追蹤號碼只能使用一個智能櫃格口。

5.5 請確保您導入正確的智能櫃地點碼及收件人電話。

5.6 存件後,貨件會有兩天存件時間,收件人須在逾期前取件。逾期時間以alfred24平台顯示的為準。

5.7 商戶須每天在alfred24平台查閱是否有逾期貨件。

5.8 貨件逾期後,商戶請於48小時內取回貨件。如商戶未有取回,貨件將會視為放棄並由alfred24棄置。

5.9 每次在智能櫃完成操作後,請謹記登出賬號,以確保安全。

5.10 若收件人在取件時發現任何問題,請於48小時內通知alfred24。

6. 退貨服務

6.1 商戶可以提供指定的alfred24智能櫃及7-11 供客人寄出貨件。

6.2 您必須使用alfred24 平台創件退貨單號供客人寄件。

6.3 商戶需提供客人可以接收短信的電話號碼。

6.4 每一個退貨單號只能使用一個智能櫃格口。

6.5 請確保您導入正確的智能櫃地點碼及收件人電話。

6.6 退件後,alfred24會每星期二統一退貨到商戶地址。

6.7 貨件會回到alfred24倉庫,可存放7天。商戶可以自行到倉庫取件。如未取,alfred24有權銷毀該貨件。

8. 保密

除非獲得事先書⾯同意,本合約⼀⽅因協商、簽訂、履⾏本合約⽽獲取得另⼀⽅的資訊(包 括客⼾資訊、商業秘密、運費價格等)均為機密,該⽅不得以任何形式洩露全部或部分給任 何協⼒廠商,除為了履⾏本合約外不得以任何形式爲任何⾃⼰或協⼒廠商的利益使⽤上述機密。

9. 貨件查驗


10. 貨件延誤

alfred24 將按照其正常運送標準以合理的努力派送貨件,但這些標準並不具有約束力,也不構成alfred24與商戶之間的合同的一部分。Alfred不對由運輸延誤而導致的任何損失或損害承擔責任。

11. 易燃或危險產品


12. 失件賠償

11.1 如商戶已將貨件寄出,但alfred24平台上並沒有顯示倉庫簽入的狀態,或收件人收件後發現破裂或損毀,商戶需要在發現問題後的48小時內通知alfred24。

11.2 收到商戶通知後,我們會將盡合理努力尋找該等貨件。如確認貨件因alfred24導致破裂、損毀或遺失,商戶需提供收據以證實貨件價值。賠償並不包括易碎產品(例如玻璃,陶瓷等)。

11.3 如貨件因下列原因而在運送過程中破裂、損毀、延誤或遺失,我們一律不會作出任何賠償:
(a) 貨件在寄出前沒有上傳資料到平台;
(b) 貨件沒有合適及穩妥包裝;
(c) 貨件易燃或爆炸物品,或容易發霉、腐壞及/或變色等;
(d) 貨件屬易碎物品;
(e) 貨件屬液體產品;
(f) 收件人的地址不正確或無效;
(g) 收件人聯絡電話無效或不能接收短信;
(h) 任何無法預知或不可抗力因素。

11.4 alfred24對任何一件貨件的責任,包括但不限於遺失或損毀,所承擔的責任僅限於實際直接損失、且不超過每貨件上限港幣500元,如寄香港郵政智郵站或郵局則每貨件賠償上限港幣320元。alfred24不承擔任何其它損失或損害 (包括但不限於利潤、收入、利息及未來業務的損失),無論這些其它損失和損害是特殊性或是間接性,無論alfred24是否在受理貨件之前或之後知曉有這些損失或損害的風險。

13. 惡劣天氣


14. 不可抗⼒

因不可抗⼒的任何原因包括但不限於戰爭、暴亂、惡劣天氣、機場關閉、航班延誤、墜機、 地震、⽔災、火災、泥⽯流及⾃然或⼈為的嚴重災害或其他不可預⾒、不可避免、不能克服 的事件導致協定任何⼀⽅無法履⾏、遲延履⾏本協定的,受不可抗⼒影響的⼀⽅在不可抗⼒影響的範圍內免責。

15. 可分割性


16. 適用法律


17. 修改及變更條款

16.1 我們享有絕對的酌情以修訂、修改或更替本條款內的任何條款,或更改、暫停或終止平台及/或有關服務(包括但不限於任何功能或內容的可用性)。

16.2 我們可以透過利用平台向閣下發出通知,或在我們的網站張貼通告。該通告將於通知或張貼時生效,並對閣下具有約束力。我們亦可對某些功能和服務施加限制,或可對閣下使用部分或全部有關服務施加限制,而毋須另行通知或負上任何責任。

18. 語言

如果以上資料 (包括本條款和條件) 的不同語言版本有差異,則以英文版本為準。

Term of services,

When you choose Alfred, Kerry Smart Locker, and 7-11, CIRCLE K convenience stores are all provided by the alfred24 platform, Alfred's platform and/or related services, you represent you and the recipient of the shipment (" Recipient") and other persons who have an interest in the shipment, understand and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, and hereby constitute an effective agreement as if signed by you.

1. Definition

1.1 "alfred24", "we" means alfred24 or alfred24 Delivery HK Limited (as applicable), or its subsidiaries, branches, associated companies, agents or independent contractors handling the shipment.

1.2 "Merchant" and "User" refer to any and all persons who request or otherwise obtain our relevant services through the use of this platform. "Merchant", "User", "you" and "your" shall be construed accordingly.

1.3 "Platform" means the mobile application, our website and other related online and offline platforms that we provide to any merchants through which they can obtain the relevant services.

1.4 "Package" refers to the package that alfred24 agrees to accept and send in a single waybill.

1.5 "Personal data" refers to any data that can be directly or indirectly related to an individual, through which the identity of the person concerned can be practicably determined, and the existence of the data is in a form that can be practicably inspected and processed.

1.6 "Terms and Conditions" means these terms and conditions, which may be changed by alfred24 at any time without prior notice. For the avoidance of disputes, any amendments are immediately effective and binding upon publication on the alfred24 official website.


1.7 "Waybill" includes any shipment identification code or document produced by the alfred24 platform, such as labels, barcodes or waybills and any electronic versions thereof.


1.8 "Smart Locker" refers to the smart locker self-service pick-up service provided by alfred24 or alfred24 Delivery HK Limited (if applicable), or its subsidiaries, branches, associated companies, cooperative companies, agents or independent contractors.


1.9 "Services" means services provided by alfred24 or alfred24 Delivery HK Limited (if applicable), or its subsidiaries, branches, associated companies, cooperative companies, agents or independent contractors, including but not limited to parcel services, Laundry and dry cleaning services are available.


1.10 "Pickup point" refers to the pick-up point provided by alfred24 or alfred24 Delivery HK Limited (if applicable), or its subsidiaries, branches, associated companies, cooperative companies, agents or independent contractors.


1.11 "Warehouse check-in" refers to alfred24's confirmed receipt status.


1.12 "Working day" means Monday to Saturday, excluding Sunday and public holidays.


1.13 "Pickup service" refers to alfred24 collecting the shipment at the receiving address provided by the merchant, and then providing delivery/self-pickup service for the shipment.


1.14 "Self-delivery" means that the merchant sends the goods to the alfred24 warehouse by itself, and let alfred24 provide delivery/self-pickup services.


1.15 "Merchant self-delivery" means that the merchant deposits the goods in the alfred24 smart locker by itself, and asks the recipient to take out the goods from the same smart locker.


1.16 "Account" has the meaning given in Clause 6.1.


1.17 "Deposit" has the meaning given in Clause 2.1.11.


1.18 "Customer Points" has the meaning given in Clause 6.1.

2.1 Basic Services

2.1.1 Merchants can use the delivery/self-pickup service provided by alfred24 on the platform we provide.


2.1.2 alfred24 currently provides three charging modes, which are door-to-door collection, self-delivery and merchant self-delivery.


2.1.3 It is the merchant's responsibility to ensure that the package is properly and securely packaged.


2.1.4 Merchants need to go to the alfred24 platform to print and paste the waybill on the outer packaging of the shipment. The size of the waybill should be at least 10*15cm.


2.1.5 The merchant's delivery quantity is subject to the warehouse check-in displayed on the platform. If there is any problem, the merchant should raise it to alfred24 within 48 hours after receiving the parcel.


2.1.6 If the shipment is larger than the self-pickup point or the size of the smart cabinet, the shipment will be returned to the warehouse. Merchants need to go to the warehouse to take it back.


2.1.7 After receiving the pick-up information, the recipient needs to pick up the package within the specified time. If the recipient fails to pick it up within the time limit, the package will be overdue and sent back to the warehouse. All overdue items will have a 7-day free storage period after they are returned to Jingguang's warehouse in Lai Chi Kok. Merchants or recipients can contact Jingguang Express within 7 days to process the shipment. If we do not receive the relevant notice within 7 days, we have the right to deal with the shipment (including destroying the shipment) by ourselves.


2.1.8 If the shipment is sent to the wrong self-pickup point due to the merchant's human error, the relevant shipment will be returned within two working days at the earliest.


2.1.9 If you need to change the pick-up location after receiving the package, the shipping fee will be charged additionally.


2.1.10 Due to the possibility of the pick-up point being out of service or full of goods and causing delays, the affected shipments may be transferred to a nearby backup point without prior notice.


2.1.12 All shipments posted by merchants are owned by merchants, and all shipments must comply with the laws of Hong Kong and other administrative regulations, departmental regulations and national mandatory standards. alfred24 does not assume any legal responsibility for the merchant's shipment.


2.1.13 Shipping charges for all shipments will be charged at the prices displayed on the alfred24 platform.

2.2 alfred24 smart locker and self-collection service

2.2.1 The volume of the smart cabinet is limited to 45*36*17 cm in length*width*height, and the weight limit is 5 kg.


2.2.2 The volume of the pick-up point is limited to the sum of length + width + height of 105 centimeters, and no single side can exceed 50 centimeters. The weight limit is 5 kg.


2.2.3 Shipment storage period:

        Smart Cabinet: 2 days

    Self-pick-up point: 3 store working days

2.3 Circle K Convenience Store and 7-11 Services

2.3.1 The volume limit is the sum of length + width + height 120 centimeters, and no single side can exceed 50 centimeters. The weight limit is 5 kg.


2.3.2 If the shipment needs to be re-delivered or changed, additional charges will be made.


2.2.3 Shipment storage period:

Circle K Convenience Store: 2 days

7-11: 3 days

2.5 Kerry MTR Smart Locker Service

2.5.1 The size limit is 37 x 33 x 47 cm and the weight limit is 5 kg.


2.5.2 If the shipment needs to be re-delivered or changed, additional charges will be made.


2.5.3 Kerry MTR smart cabinet storage period: 2 days will be exempted.


4.5 The goods that have been delivered to the alfred24 warehouse can be delivered to the self-pickup point within two to three working days at the earliest. During the peak period of express delivery, the timeliness of delivery to the pick-up point cannot be guaranteed.

5. Merchant self-shipping service

5.1 Before storing the shipment in the smart locker, you must first create an order on the alfred24 platform.


5.2 As a merchant, you are responsible for clearly knowing the cost and information of each shipment.


5.3 You must deposit using the tracking number provided by the alfred24 platform.


5.4 Each tracking number can only use one slot of the smart cabinet.


5.5 Please ensure that you import the correct smart cabinet location code and recipient phone number.


5.6 After depositing, the shipment will be stored for two days, and the recipient must pick it up before the expiration date. The overdue time is subject to the display on the alfred24 platform.


5.7 Merchants must check whether there are overdue shipments on the alfred24 platform every day.


5.8 After the shipment is overdue, the merchant should pick up the shipment within 48 hours. If the merchant does not pick it up, the shipment will be considered abandoned and disposed of by alfred24.


5.9 After completing operations in the smart cabinet, please remember to log out of your account to ensure safety.


5.10 If the recipient finds any problems during pickup, please notify alfred24 within 48 hours.

6. Return service

6.1 Merchants can provide designated alfred24 smart cabinets and 7-11 for customers to send out goods.


6.2 You must use the alfred24 platform to create a return order number for the customer to send.


6.3 The merchant needs to provide a phone number where the customer can receive text messages.


6.4 Each return order number can only use one slot of the smart cabinet.


6.5 Please make sure you import the correct smart cabinet location code and recipient phone number.


6.6 After the return, alfred24 will return the goods to the merchant's address every Tuesday.


6.7 The shipment will be returned to the alfred24 warehouse and can be stored for 7 days. Merchants can go to the warehouse to pick up the goods by themselves. If not picked up, alfred24 has the right to destroy the shipment.

8. Confidentiality

Unless prior written consent is obtained, the other party's information (including customer information, business secrets, freight prices, etc.) Disclose all or part of it to any third party, and shall not use the above secrets in any form for the benefit of any self or third party except for the performance of this contract.

9. Shipment Inspection

The merchant agrees that alfred24 or any government department has the right to open the package for inspection without prior notice. alfred24 will not be responsible for any damages caused by any delays caused by the above inspections.

10. Shipment delays

alfred24 will use reasonable efforts to deliver the shipment in accordance with its normal shipping standards, but these standards are not binding and do not form part of the contract between alfred24 and the merchant. Alfred is not liable for any loss or damage caused by shipping delays.

11. Flammable or hazardous products

alfred24 has the right to reject flammable or dangerous products, such as bleach, alcohol, etc.

12. Compensation for lost items

11.1 If the merchant has sent the shipment, but the alfred24 platform does not show the status of the warehouse check-in, or the recipient finds that the shipment is broken or damaged, the merchant needs to notify alfred24 within 48 hours after discovering the problem.


11.2 Upon receipt of the merchant's notification, we will make reasonable efforts to locate such shipments. If it is confirmed that the shipment is broken, damaged or lost due to alfred24, the merchant needs to provide a receipt to prove the value of the shipment. Indemnity does not cover fragile products (such as glass, ceramics, etc.).


11.3 We will not make any compensation if the shipment is broken, damaged, delayed or lost during transit due to the following reasons:

(a) The shipment has not been uploaded to the platform before it is sent;

(b) the shipment is not properly and securely packed;

(c) Shipments that are flammable or explosive, or that are prone to mold, decay and/or discoloration, etc.;

(d) the Shipment is fragile;

(e) the shipment is a liquid product;

(f) the recipient's address is incorrect or invalid;

(g) The recipient's contact number is invalid or unable to receive text messages;

(h) Any unforeseen or force majeure factors.


11.4 alfred24’s liability for any piece of shipment, including but not limited to loss or damage, is limited to the actual direct loss and does not exceed the upper limit of HK$500 per shipment. The maximum compensation limit for each shipment is HK$320. alfred24 shall not be liable for any other loss or damage (including but not limited to loss of profit, income, interest and future business), whether such other loss and damage is special or indirect, whether or not alfred24 knows before or after accepting the shipment risk of such loss or damage.

13. Bad weather

If the Hong Kong Observatory issues a tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 or above, a "red" or "black" rainstorm warning signal, or we judge that the delivery is under unsafe weather conditions, or due to traffic accidents and road congestion, etc., the delivery service time will be delayed.

14. Force majeure

Any reason of force majeure including but not limited to war, riot, severe weather, airport closure, flight delay, plane crash, earthquake, flood, fire, mudslide and natural or man-made serious disaster or other unpredictable ⾒. If an inevitable or insurmountable event causes any party to the agreement to be unable to perform or delay the performance of this agreement, the party affected by the force majeure shall be exempted from liability within the scope of the force majeure.

15. Severability

If any provision of these Terms is determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under applicable law, the validity, legality and enforceability of other provisions of these Terms shall not be affected in any way by the foregoing , and will remain in effect.

16. Applicable law

Hong Kong law shall apply to the establishment, effectiveness, interpretation, and implementation of this clause, as well as the settlement of disputes between the parties related to this agreement or arising from this clause. The parties also submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts with respect to the aforementioned disputes.

17. Amendments and changes to the terms

16.1 We have absolute discretion to amend, modify or replace any of the terms of these terms, or to change, suspend or terminate the platform and/or related services (including but not limited to the availability of any functions or content).


16.2 We may issue notices to you by using the Platform or by posting a notice on our website. This notice will be effective when notified or posted and will be binding on you. We may also impose restrictions on certain features and services, or may impose restrictions on your use of some or all of the relevant services without further notice or liability.

18. Language

In the event of discrepancies between different language versions of the above material (including these terms and conditions), the English version shall prevail.